What is reticular varicose veins of the lower extremities?

Varicose veins reticular is located close to many of the adults. As the disease manifestation, and if there are effective methods of therapeutic treatment of patients vessels?

What is it?

reticular varicose veins

Reticular (from the Latin word reticulum — expenses) or varicose veins in the form of a network is not a type of pathology, and the reticular form of the disease, varicose, your initial stage. It is characterized by the extension of small intradermal surface of the blood vessels and the appearance of telangiectasias.

Telangiectasias are visible under the skin of the plexus, extended to 0.5-1 mm of arterioles, venules and capillaries, which are manifested in the form of cyanotic-red spots with branches, recalling, by the shape of the mesh, arachnids plexus, toothed wheel.

The disease is diagnosed more common in women. According to the results of medical research, net varicose veins discover the 35-45% of women and 15-20% of adult men.

The causes of the

The main reasons for the development of the disease:

  • the decrease of the elasticity and of the density of the vascular wall;
  • an alteration of the circulation of the blood;
  • deficient functioning of the venous valves.

Among the factors that cause changes in the vessels, are:

  • the period of gestation of the child, especially 5-9 months of gestation, due to the increased volume of blood in the vessels, the increased load on the legs, the crushing of the veins of the abdominal cavity growing uterus;
  • hormone "breaks" during pregnancy and menopause;
  • hereditary predisposition to weakness of the venous walls due to the alteration of the structure of the connective tissue;
  • excess weight by increasing the body mass index (bmi up to 27 kg/m2, the likelihood of pathology increases by 30%;
  • the work activity of long stay in the standing position, sitting, to the newspaper, lifting and carrying heavy objects (loaders, sportsmen and women from the heavy weights, sellers, hairdressers, travelers);
  • the use of the corss, straps to increase the pressure within the peritoneum, tight jeans that squeeze the vessels in the groin area;
  • the continuous use of corticosteroids, and hormonal contraceptives;
  • diabetes mellitus, hypertension, dermatological diseases, including rosacea;
  • injuries, fractures of the extremities;
  • excessive and prolonged exposure to the sun, smoking;
  • lowers the amount of fiber in the diet leads to the long duration of the locks, which contributes to the enlargement of the veins, the scarcity of nutrients – the weakening of the walls of the vessels.

The symptoms of the

Among the elemental signs of the initial stage of reticular varicose veins:

  • the appearance of slate, red telangiectasias points, star, mesh patches of different sizes and brightness, which is most frequently detected in the ankles, below the knees, the hips, after the time that you are insignificant, but it is immediately manifested again;
  • weight, tension of the calf muscles, rapid fatigue when walking.

The symptoms that occur when the disease develops:

  • the distribution of the telangiectasias clean the areas of the skin, increasing the diameter of the capillaries;
  • the feeling of extending the arms in the legs, tingling, "goosebumps" (paresthesia);
  • cramps in the leg muscles of sleep during the night or in the morning;
  • pull the pain;
  • the weakness of the swelling of the feet, the calves, the ankles in the evening than in the morning disappears;
  • the itching of the skin in areas of expansion, reticular vessels;
  • burning sensation in the affected line of the vessel;
  • pain upon squeezing the calf muscles;
  • gradual bulging of the veins saphenous, the education of the hillocks the size of 2-4 mm;
  • the manifestation brownish or whitish colour of spots in march's advanced vessels, the swelling, the redness.

If the time does not carry out activities to identify the causes of the disease and the elimination of the earliest signs of pathology will enter a phase of strong expansion of the veins. In this case, under the skin are vascular, nodes, vessels are sinuous, walking causes pain.

The progression of the disease threat with consequences acute thrombophlebitis, healing ulcers trophic, the development of venous insufficiency, bleeding, thrombosis.

The diagnosis

The definition of reticular varicose veins is not difficult for an expert. To evaluate the incidence of abnormal process, the degree of involvement of hemodynamic (blood circulation), the distribution of velocities of the blood streams, to reveal signs of thrombosis, use the hardware diagnostic methods:

  • ultrasound;
  • duplex procedure;
  • the Doppler the veins;
  • x-rays, methods of radionuclides.

The treatment of the

the causes of varicose veins

Try to mesh the varicose veins you need immediately after diagnosis, without allowing the transition of the disease in chronic phase, the development of complications.

Most of the treatment relieves the patient of the external signs of the disease. To cure the pathology, we must perform an extensive medical examination, to find the original cause of the weakness of the vessels and of the violations of the bleeding.

Close knit items

When the net varicose veins or under the skin of the grids of the patients and of healthy people with a propensity to the disease it is necessary to purchase the compression knee-socks. A purpose medicinal the compression ratio is an important part of the treatment.

Close the knitwear designed to create in different parts of the legs of different pressure.

The greatest pressure falls on the ankle, since here the blood with the work rises upwards. The media supports and compresses advanced of blood vessels, helping the flow, eliminating the stagnation. In the area of the hip the compression ratio is reduced almost 2.5 times, as in this area the load in the vessels of least.

Permanent soft pressure on the veins prevents the enlargement, normalizes circulation, eliminates inflammation, prevents clogging of the spaces thrombi.

Others bezoperatsionnye therapies

Among others, common conservative treatment and methods of mesh varicose veins, micro-sclerotherapy and coagulation by laser.

Micro-sclerotherapy – the most common method for the recovery of larger reticular veins and eliminate telangiectasia. When the procedure is based on substances which, without cutting off the needle is inserted into the interior of the vessel. The substance causes micro damage to the internal walls of the vein, or capillary. The lesions are, narrow the inner light. In the old part of the vessel, the shot of connective tissue (the type of scar), which is resorbe regardless of 10-12 months.

The sclerotherapy practice in the liquid and the technical, when in the vessel injected with a fluid composition, or in the more progressive of — the-art Foam-form sclerotherapy (foam). In the second option of the solution is the micro-foam, better than that which applies in the case container.

Often they perform the procedure under the video control, which monitors the process using the duplex scanner.

Coagulation laser glasses – gentle and effective method that ensures the elimination of a fast procedure, without the shedding of blood, without affecting the healthy tissue. The procedure is performed under the control of the ultrasound.

Through a perforation in the skin, the doctor inserts into the lumen of the sick in vienna a thin catheter with a laser conduit of light. Under the effects of the high temperature of the laser beam, the wall of the affected vessels module are soldiers.

Regardless of the number of cardiovascular disease of the bifurcation of the session of sclerotherapy and laser coagulation continues 15-60 minutes. To expressed therapeutic result requires 2 to 5 sessions.

The treatment with sclerotherapy and laser beam performed with more frequency and on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia. Out of the clinic, the patient may be after 2-4 hours. After the procedures in the treated area put a a pressure bandage with in 4-10 days. Close knit items are of 7 to 30 days. 2 to 4 a day the patient returns to a normal pace of life.

After the recommended treatment for 3-4 months:

  • drink 2-3 litres of fluid a day to keep amounts accumulated properties of the blood;
  • take all medications, as prescribed by the doctor;
  • do not forget compression Jersey-long walk, stay in the place of work in standing or sitting;
  • a lot of walking;
  • renounce to high heels.

Other techniques of treatment of reticular varicose veins still wear the 3 forms of therapy.

  1. Radiofrequency obliteration of the vessels (a technique of EVRF, RFO). Radiowave radiation-generated health the fixed appliance at the tip of the catheter. Under the influence of the radio waves from the wall of the vein stick together, advanced the glass disappears, and the fabric, formed in its place, is reabsorbed.
  2. Thermal occlusion micro pulse steam (the technique of the SVS). Technique developed by French physicians. Provides for the processing of the body-veins of glass hot steam that come through introduced catheter. The steam penetrates into the difficult-to-access, anatomically complicated vascular branch, narrow and "gluing" of the capillaries and venules.
  3. The methodology of biological treatment with glue (Venaseal) – new high-efficiency and smooth way. It is most often used in the treatment of larger reticular veins in the initial phase of expansion. In a receptacle under the control of ultrasound with the help of the syringe and the catheter is used to inject a special glue. Vienna is suddenly compressed, the walls stick together. Vascular under the skin of the mesh disappear almost immediately. During the processing of the small vessels it is not necessary to carry high compressive point after the procedure. Allergic reactions are excluded, as well as a glue – a natural product.

The surgical treatment

treatment of varicose veins

Phlebectomy – the operation of varicose veins of the lower extremities. Takes place, when the diameter of the dilated vessels up to 10 mm

Through a small incision, the surgeon removes the surface of the container that the dressing and cut. The intervention is performed under local anesthesia. The intervention is carried out with the minimum of damage to the tissues, leaves no cosmetic defects.

Popular treatment

Homemade recipes of the medicine in the treatment of reticular varicose veins used in addition to therapy. The good result of the media to share the app with the medicines, pharmacy ointments, using compression, especially in the first stage of the telangiectasias.

  1. Water of ripe young fruits of the chestnut (50 g) finely chopped, pour a glass of vodka and leave to act for 20 days. After casting take 3 weeks, three times daily 15 to 20 drops. After 2 weeks break can be repeated.
  2. Wash the cabbage leaves and put in cold during 24 hours. Before you go to sleep in dry skin of the affected area impose the leaves and not tight wrap. The treatment spend every day for 1-2 months.
  3. Dry kidney birch sleep in the glass of 0.5 l 1/3. Pour vodka to the brim, insist 10 days. The mild tincture pound the areas with telangiectasia.

The prevention of the

To avoid the appearance of subcutaneous "asterisks", you must follow the recommendations:

  • not to carry the weight, including shopping bags;
  • do not take hot baths, not to go to the sauna;
  • wear elastic stockings or compression stockings;
  • the house more often to keep the feet in the horizontal-position high;
  • when you are working sitting to create the conditions for the lower extremities were in a horizontal position, every 2 or 3 hours to do 10 minutes of rest in a special gymnastics to activate the blood flow;
  • more of move, do hiking, don't overwork;
  • do the contrast baths or showers to the feet;
  • use ointments medicinal for the prevention of venous thrombotic events of the changes, take medications for the strengthening of vascular tone, on the recommendation of the flebologa;
  • swim in the pool with warm water;

It is necessary to adjust diet, get rid of excess body weight, to quit smoking.